10th Grade Students in the Greater New Orleans Area
Use marijuana
Abuse Opiates
Rode with a drunk driver
Have been drunk or high at school
Sold Illegal Drugs
have a substance use disorder needing treatment
are in need of selective prevention or intervention to stop the progression to substance use disorder

Adults, Young Adults, and College Students
Use marijuana
engaged in binge drinking in past 2 weeks
Young adults are…
4x more likely to use marijuana
26% more likely to be binge drinkers
…compared to older adults
What do the real numbers say?
The following report from NETI provides a current update on the national methamphetamine, cocaine (including crack), and opioid (natural and synthetic including heroin) trends through 2017.

Consequences of Substance Misuse
Substance use contributed to an increasing proportion of emergency department visits
Weekly Substance Use related visits increased by
Annual Alcohol use related visits increased by
Annual Drug Use related visits increased by
Annual Opiate Use related visits increased by
In 2016, deaths from overdoses exceeded murder in New Orleans
Drug Overdose Deaths
Opiate-Related Overdose Deaths
Times Naloxone was Administered Last Year
Increase of Naloxone treatments since 2013
In 2016, deaths from overdoses exceeded murder in New Orleans
in Greater New Orleans
in Orleans Parish
in Jefferson Parish
Summary of Data Findings and Recommendations on the Drug and Alcohol Problem in Greater New Orleans 2011 – 2017
Data Source Information Analysis of data from 2008 – 2016 – 8 year period
Data reported based on Education Region 1 which includes Jefferson, Orleans, Plaquemines and St. Bernard Parishes
Findings adequate for planning and policy purposes and not for prevent programming or other initiatives
Interpretation of trends made with great caution

So How Can We Make Our Community Better?
Get Involved
Talk to us. Join our campaign to promote healthy, safe, and drug-free youth, families, and community. Help us to heal those who are dependent on alcohol and other drugs to fully restore their health, dignity, and safety. And fight for our community’s safety by reducing the supply of drugs, disrupting the illegal drug market, and deterring illegal drug use by adults and youth.
An Action Plan
Click here to see an action Plan that battles against the Opioid Epidemic that is infesting our nation and our communities.
Department of Health
The more you know about drugs, the better equipped you are to protect your community from the effects of those drugs.
Organizing Community Education Programs
Use this resource to help educate your portion of our greater community. The first step to healing our community is spreading knowledge of how harmful substance abuse is.